Monday, October 12, 2009

This has been a busy month but it will soon be over! Our wedding is on Saturday and we are looking forward to seeing our friends and family. Roland is now four and a half months old and doing something new every day! Today he started rolling over from his back to his tummy. Next thing I know, he'll be crawling all over the house!! He now eats oatmeal and rice cereal, pears, sweet potatoes, and, as of yesterday, bananas - his favorite so far. He is a little chatterbox and loves to flirt. He has quite the temper though; if he's hungry or wants cuddles, he isn't shy about telling you and no, he really can't wait five minutes (at least that's what he thinks)! He's also at that point where everything goes in his mouth - even his foot! He can fit his whole fist in his mouth too!

Ryan had his last softball game of the season tonight and can't wait to play again in the spring. He is also doing great in his criminal justice classes at DMACC.

Jessica is still busy with the wedding and will have her life back after the wedding - at least when she's not chasing Roland around the house.

Juno is doing great - she loves it when Ryan takes her for hikes. She still loves Roland too - she sleeps next to his crib at night.

Monday, September 7, 2009

3 months old!! (and go hawks!)

First cereal!!

We gave Roland his first tastes of rice cereal September 1. These pictures, however, are from his second taste on September 5. He loves it!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Look at how big he's getting! And Juno too....

He was so intent on telling mom his story. He has become quite the conversationalist!

Just chillin'

Tummy time!!

He likes to make faces at himself in his mirror.

He has much better smiles, but this is the best we've captured on camera ;)

Black and Gold!!

Almost another month later (I know, I'm horrible at this). Roland is (was) 24.5" long and 11 lb 12 oz at the beginning of August at his two month check up. He also had his shots, which he handled fairly well - it didn't hurt that Grandma was there to make him feel better. We're all doing great, just terribly busy. Ryan has decided to go into law enforcement and will be starting criminal justice classes at DMACC (our local community college) in less than a week. The wedding is now less than two months away (October 17) and we are all busy trying to pull everything together. It'll take some more time and effort, but we will get there!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Almost 2 months!!

It's been awhile since I've posted. I've been so busy with Roland, wedding stuff, and just trying to keep everything going. I started back at work two and a half weeks ago and it's been going really well and is keeping me pretty busy. Roland's been going to daycare - he's enjoying it a lot! He is rolling over now and smiling quite a bit too. As soon as his legs and arms will let him, he will be crawling all over the place! We love to read books and play with toys together - his favorite thing to do is to go outside. And the other big news is that Ryan will be attending Mercy College of Health Sciences starting in September. He will be attending for one year to get his certification to be a surgery technician. And don't forget about Juno - she's starting to mature a little and we can take her out in the yard without a leash again without worrying about her running off. She loves her little brother Roland and we can hardly wait until he's old enough for them to enjoy playing together!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First days home

Roland and his Papa Chad.

Grandma Kathy.

Daddy holding Roland in his cute new tigger towel after his first bath.

He didn't really care for the sponge baths.

Daddy with his baby boy.

Posing for the camera!

Little frog legs!

Mommy and her two babies!

All in all, we had a pretty good time the first few days with only a little lost sleep. Ryan took two weeks off work to help out at home. Juno loves her baby brother and always wants to be by him and watches over him if he makes a sound. Roland loves all of his generous gifts and thanks everyone who came to visit, as well as those who sent him thoughts and prayers.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Roland is here!

Ready to go home!

So tall!

First night in the NICU.

Big happy family!

First look at my baby boy.

Roland Scott McGinnity was born on May 31, 2009 at 11:35 p.m. after 14 hours of labor, including 1-1/2 hours of pushing. He weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 22 inches long! Unfortunately Roland had a fever and trouble breathing at birth and had to spend three days in the NICU but he is now home and doing fantastic. The staff in the NICU at Mercy were wonderful and took very good care of him. We even got to take home a quilt donated by Altoona Methodist Church. I am hoping to someday make a quilt or two of my own to donate to NICU babies. All in all Roland is a happy, healthy baby and we are glad to finally have him!